Canvas - Redesign

Canvas - Redesign

Redesigning Canvas to solve usability issues faced by faculty and students.

Redesigning Canvas to solve usability issues faced by faculty and students.

Academic Project

Academic Project

Quench - Donation App

Quench - Donation App

Designing a platform for the society to contribute in the global issue of water scarcity

Designing a platform for the society to contribute in the global issue of water scarcity

Academic Project

Academic Project

Pro Buildr

Pro Buildr

A platform to connect clients with professional architects

A platform to connect clients with professional architects

Bootcamp Project

Bootcamp Project

Software Skills

Software Skills

Showcasing my Software skills. Take a look !

Showcasing my Software skills. Take a look !



Lets Connect !

Lets Connect !

I’m excited to collaborate, brainstorm, and explore new opportunities in UI/UX design. Whether it’s a project discussion or just sharing ideas, I’d love to hear from you!

I’m excited to collaborate, brainstorm, and explore new opportunities in UI/UX design. Whether it’s a project discussion or just sharing ideas, I’d love to hear from you!

Hi, I'm Saundarya

From drafting plans to designing pixels, I craft functional beauty in both physical and digital realms !

Lets Connect !

I’m excited to collaborate, brainstorm, and explore new opportunities in UI/UX design. Whether it’s a project discussion or just sharing ideas, I’d love to hear from you!

Canvas - Redesign

Redesigning Canvas to solve usability issues faced by faculty and students.

Academic Project

Quench - Donation App

Designing a platform for the society to contribute in the global issue of water scarcity

Academic Project

Pro Buildr

A platform to connect clients with professional architects

Bootcamp Project

Software Skills

Showcasing my Software skills. Take a look !


Hi, I'm Saundarya

I create data-driven solutions , that elevate human experiences !